Hi Ankur,
Here's your report for 128 Mcalpine Avenue S
Here's your report for 128 Mcalpine Avenue S
Here's the link to your report for 128 Mcalpine Ave S. Click here for full MLS details on the the houses that sold on Mcalpine in the past 6 months. There was no past MLS history for 128.
Click here for the full details plus pictures, sale price (located halfway down the page) and sale date, of all the comparable homes that have sold in the past 90 days in the same neighbourhood as the subject property. The properties are arranged from highest to lowest sale price.
Click here for full details of active comparable properties for sale right now in the same area as above. There are 18 homes for sale.
Based on the Geowarehouse street view the house looks in rough shape, with the sales information and the subject home renoed, I think the house could sell in the price range of $120,000-$150,000.
Click here for the full details plus pictures, sale price (located halfway down the page) and sale date, of all the comparable homes that have sold in the past 90 days in the same neighbourhood as the subject property. The properties are arranged from highest to lowest sale price.
Click here for full details of active comparable properties for sale right now in the same area as above. There are 18 homes for sale.
Based on the Geowarehouse street view the house looks in rough shape, with the sales information and the subject home renoed, I think the house could sell in the price range of $120,000-$150,000.
Here's the Geowarehouse information on 128 Mcalpine Ave S.
128_mcalpine_ave_s.jpg |